PS Plus free games June 2015

The moment has come, let all the children rejoice. Junes PS Plus free games have finally been announced.

This month sees the first AAA title to hit the free game collection since December with our favourite ex Konami employee Hideo Kojima presenting Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes on PS4. You'll be super stoked about this if you hadn't recently purchased it for cheap in one of the numerous sales lately like I did. 

Featured this month on the PS3 is Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. For those still plodding away on last gen this is a pretty good game to check out, however I have a feeling that this has been in the collection before...

Now here come the indie games... 

PS4 and Vita owners will be getting...

Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-A-Fide Edition, a neat little turned based games about the Samurai afterlife.

Super Exploding Zoo, so I hear you need to save animal eggs int this game from aliens by using exploding animals. It's gotta be better than Monster Bag right?

Futuridium EP Deluxe a retro inspired shooter with puzzle elements. Apparently it has cool music too. 

Lastly the PS3 will also get Cloudberry Kingdome. Kind of looks like a mix between Cyanide and Happiness and Super Mario. I'll definitely give it a go.

Well there you have it, another month of freebies heading your way. Let us know what you think of the lineup in the comments below or on our Facebook page.

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