Dying Light: Not GOTY an Enhanced Edition

Move aside you pitiful Game Of The Year editions, Dying Light from Techland is getting an Enhanced Edition, along with a new DLC "The Following"

Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition consists of an "enhanced" version of the game featuring better graphics, better enemy AI, legend levels, new parkour moves, gameplay quality improvements, enhanced facial expressions and much more. Also included is every DLC released to date including Bozak Horde and Be the Zombie mode, the Ultimate Survivor Bundle and Cuisine and Cargo challenge missions.  

Maciej Binkowski, lead game designer for Dying Light, has stated "We didn't want to follow a beaten track and just re-release our game in a new wrapping with the current DLC added." 
The enhancements are coming to those with the original game as a free update.

The Following expansion sees players again take the role of Kyle Crane and be thrust into "Harran's Outback Region." A new massive map the same size as the entire original. Face a world rife with the infected. You'll encounter a mysterious and all powerful cult, capable of changing the face of Dying Light's World. 
Travel through the quarantine zone like never before with new all terrain dirt buggies. A new driver rank helps you level up your skill and customize your ride into a deadly weapon of zombie smashing goodness. 

Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Editions is due for world wide release Feb 9th 2016. The Following stand alone DLC will be released the same day.

Let us know: Will you be heading back into the quarantine? Or has this added extra sparked your interest for a play through?

Either way, Good Night & Good Luck

Pat (Snoogans)

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