First Screenshots of the New Ninja Turtles Video Game

***UPDATE 27th January 2016***
After the below images were leaked a week ago, Activision has decided to do their very own "Official Leak" and reveal a video trailer for us to squeal over. Oh and if you didn't assume already, 4 player co-op. Enjoy.

Well, we knew Platinum Games had something in the works where a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game was concerned but nothing had been confirmed. Actually, still at this point in time I haven't heard of anything yet confirming the games development.

These apparently leaked screenshots that I found while scouring the internet from 'pureXBOX' seem to give a pretty damn good argument that the game is well under way in development.

As I said when the news first hit (on our podcast) last year that this game was happening, as long as this game makes up for the previous TMNT video game and is actually quite enjoyable, I am very happy for it to happen and I will be very eager to try it out with three of my best turtle friends.

As for the screens, the art work here is excellent. These turtles are much nicer to look at than their current movie adaptation versions and the colours are bright and exciting. Cowabunga Dudes! Gotta is here. I will leave you with this piece of advice. "Never pay full price for late pizza".


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