Fallout 4 a Survivalists Tale - Day 8
Day 8 Find a Detective
The first thing we’re going after is more aluminum, we
need 7 to make a suppressor for the shotgun, then Diamond city to find Shaun.to the north east of the marina is a hospital, surely there would be trays all over that place.
You‘d think a hospital would be littered with ally trays….no…I've searched all over this place and nothing
Really Preston…stop dropping from
Firearms ready and ammo stocked
Decided to take on a job we need to
locate a detective, some small change in it for us but I feel this will lead to
bigger things.
The opposition are supposed to be some swindling fedora wearing
goons, sounds like easy money and it’ll get us out of the wastes for a while.
Ran into the mob boss of this
fedora gang, quick fingers rather than a quick tongue is what I always say.
Valentine, the Detective we rescued, gave us a heads up on one
of the heavy hitters in our area, we’d best go introduce ourselves and ensure
they understand who’s land they are on. They are up at Fort Hagen, a man named Kellog.
Fort HAGEN, This prick is too well
entrenched in our territory, fucking synths!!!, they’ve taken out 5 of my men
just trying to get down off the rooftop.
Thank god for these bunks, we’ll
hold up here for a few hours and get some rest, Kellogg is really enjoying his
smug rant on the speakers, he will get his, he can be sure of it.
I buried Kellogg, seems he had some
leads on how to find the institute, the wasteland boogyman, something to pass
onto our detective friend, you never know if might lead us somewhere.
We finally get to see some sky and its filled by the biggest god damn thing I ever saw...
Nicks got a lead on a new town that
may be of some use to us... Goodneighbour…
Caught a cold while I was getting to goodneighbour, nearly bought it whilst I was in the damn dream lab.
Double back to oberland and take
some power armour south to get into the radiated south west. I’ve been given a
job to find a scientist, should be some good grub in it for us as well.
This shotgun needs some ally asap, time
to scrounge!
Went back to Fort Hagen to scrape
up some ally, time to head through the settlements buying and sellin then some rest.
Day 7
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