Rise of Iron Throws in More Incentive

If you've been keeping a keen eye out for info on the upcoming Destiny: Rise of Iron DLC, you'll know that there's a pretty sweet looking incentive on the cards for pre-order. Bungie are promising an Iron Gjallarhorn to their fans, giving a nod to the year one rocket launcher to slay them all.

But if you've been watching Bungie's latest streams like I have you might have noticed something else added to the pre-order incentives pile. Taking its design inspirations from the Gjallarhorn is a brand spanking new sparrow- the Gjallarwing! Check out this bad arse:

Trailers for ROI are also promising the ability to use emotes while mounting your sparrow...and no it's not a few hand signals. Now you will be able to pull off some sick stunts. All around ROI is looking to offer a lot of fresh content, new areas to explore, and loads more fun.

Pre-Order will be available in ample time before release and is essential if you want your Gjallarwing and Iron Gjallarhorn. Rise of Iron hits stores September 20th.

See you at the Tower, Guardians...



Remutha, or Rem, has been writing for 8 years. Combining this with a love of video games Rem has been writing game reviews for 2 years.

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