Death Stranding Details Emerge At TGS 2016

Hideo Kojma has taken to the stage at the Tokyo Games Show to reveal more details of his first title since leaving Konami, Death Stranding.

Whilst details of the game's story were limited, Kojima revealed that the game's title was inspired by Dolphins and Whales that get stranded on beaches, and that the title refers to something not of this world being stranded here on Earth.

Kojima also revealed that Death Stranding would be an open world game that will feature co-op, giving players plenty of freedom, but the online game-play will apparently be different to anything we have seen before. The game will be an action game, but with something new.

In speaking during an interview with IGN, Kojima explained “Metal Gear was an action game, but it was an action game where you happened to be hiding. There was no genre for that back then, and now it’s classified as a stealth game. In that regard, Death Stranding will also be an action game, but I want to make something new, something different.”

Hideo Kajima also revealed a little about the game's story;

“In this short story, Abe states that the first tool mankind created is a stick, hesitates that the stick is the first tool that mankind created to put distance between himself and bad things to protect himself. He states that the second tool mankind created is a rope. A rope is a tool used to secure things that are important to you.”
“Most of your tools in action games are sticks, you punch or you shoot or you kick. The communication is always through these ‘sticks.’ In [Death Stranding], I want people to be connected not through sticks, but through what would be the equivalent of ropes… But of course you will be able to use the sticks too."
Other details revealed at TGS 2016 in regards to Death Stranding is that it will also feature a female protagonist, joining Norman Reedus of the Walking Dead series.

No release date was revealed other than it is expected to be released before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games, as Hideo Kajima explained, that it will be released before the year in which the movie "Akira" is set. "Akira" is due for release in 2019, so we may get to see Death Stranding before then.
Death Stranding will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.
Aussie Gamers Express

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