Huge October

For those of us who spend many an hour in front of our screens playing our favourite games, October - December is usually a very busy time. Not only do a lot of work places become increasingly busier, but the "real" part of the year arrives. That is right ladies and gentlemen, 2016 will well and truly arrive in October and our wallets are going to be looking a little worse for wear and I am here to tell you most anticipated games for the remainder of the year.

October kicks off with a grand classic and takes me back to my early days in gaming. I am not that old so my so called "early" days refers to the PlayStation 2 that was to be sole companion until 2010 when I called finally afford a PlayStation 3. The game I am referring to here and I apologise for straying a little from the topic at hand was the original Mafia. I played so much of this classic that when I bought my PlayStation 3, the first game I ever completed on it was, you guessed it Mafia 2. So it is of no surprise that one of my most anticipated games, not only of October but the year is Mafia 3. Mafia 3 will hit our consoles and gloriously powerful PC's on October 7th.

Next up we turn our attention to an exclusive that I am really hyped about. However it may not be a game that I purchase straight away, as I am yet to finish 2 and 3. I know many games can be played without the previous ones, however I feel in the context of the franchise itself it most certainly deserves my attention to finish the latter 2 before starting the 4th. By now you have already worked it out or a just itching for me to finish babbling on and inform you that the game I am talking about is indeed Gears of War 4 and I personally can not wait. Gears of War 4 will hit Xbox One and PC on October 11th.

We can now turn to what they call a "timed" exclusive and that is indeed Rise of the Tomb Raider. The game has now been out for around 15 months on the Xbox One and PC and to be honest I am a little hurt that a PlayStation fan boy like myself has had to wait an extra 15 months to enjoy the game on Lara's birth platform in favour of corporate greed and sell outs. Sure I have a PC that would run it better, and sure I have an Xbox but it is not the point. But that is a conversation for another day. Tomb Raider also shares the October 11th date with Gears of War and you would have to ask whether this was a deliberate ploy from Microsoft and a genuine coincidence, that however I well leave up to you to decide.

Lastly but certainly not the least is Battlefield 1. I mean who wouldn't be keen to head back to the front lines of WW1, fighting side by side with your mates. Not to mention the epic long range sniper battles shooting the enemy off their horse back. Growing up predominatly a Call of Duty fan I have drifted further and further away from the franchise preferring EA's Battlefield franchise and I believe EA's decision not to release a Battlefield title last year will only be good for the franchise in that they have had a longer time frame to work on and get Battlefield 1 just right. Whether that comes to fruition is still yet be seen, but the wait will all be over come October 21st.

Cheers for reading guys and girls, and don't forget to let us know what you games you are most excited about and what you reckon is going to be your GOTY. For everything gaming make sure you keep up to date with our facebook and website pages.


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