Playstation Pro and Slim

For those of you that didn't want to wake up at the crack of dawn to check out the Playstation Meeting that was going on in New York, here's what we learned today.

A little bit of the shine was taken off the announcement of the PS4 Slim model after it being accurately leaked a few weeks ago. It's real and it's coming later this month on the 15th of September. No Australian pricing was announced but a direct comparison to the US pricing would make it $389 for us Aussies.

Further to the Slim model, the "Neo" or "PS4K" has been given a real name. Sony has borrowed this one from Apple, who are coincidentally holding their Keynote today too. The Playstation 4 Pro is now what we will know the "Neo" to be.

As seen in the image (right), the PS4 Pro will include an upgraded GPU, a boosted clock rate, Interoperability (whatever that is) and a larger HDD.

The PS4 Pro will focus on the obvious 4K resolutions with particular focus on HDR, or a High Dynamic Range. The PS4 Pro will also be enhanced for HDTV's for those that haven't upgraded to a 4K display as yet.

Some games were showed off to be taking advantage of the new PS4 Pro hardware. Those among the named were Horizon Zero Dawn, Infinite Warfare (including BLOPS3) and Mass Effect Andromeda. Other games from the already released library will include Shadows of Mordor and inFamous First Light.
Playstation 4 Slim - Playstation 4 Pro
The PS4 Pro release date is the 10th of November 2016, which is very fast which will make those that are interested very happy. Once again there was no Australian pricing announced at this time but a direct conversion to the Aussie dollar puts the Pro at $520.

Mass Effect Andromeda
Finally, Sony have also announced that all current Playstation 4 consoles will have access to HDR graphics after a system update that is coming soon. This feature will however be limited by the display that you have connected to your console.

More detail on this announcement will be coming later as it all starts to settle in. Thanks for checking out this coverage of the Playstation Meeting in New York.

Lucas Aurelius
Aussie Gamers Express

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