Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Review

Developed by Dimps and published by Bandai Namco we are given the much anticipated sequel to Dragon Ball Xenoverse with Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (DBX2). Boasting a 30 to 40 hour campaign it does deliver everything a Dragon Ball fan could ever want out of a game. It is almost a recreation of its predecessor but with many upgrades and additional content.

Whilst the overall narrative remains much the same as its original release there are enough differences to help DBX2 stand alone on its own two feet. The narrative still revolves around your created character being a member of the Time Patrol, the sole responsibilities of the Time Patrol is to intervene if there are any problems in the past where people or beings have gone back in time to alter the future. Of course there are attempts to change the past and this is where you carry out your story. The narrative is an awesome history lesson for all those who never watched the TV series with every major event covered by good storytelling and brilliant omni-directional combat.

With only very few hiccups, the camera angles and positions are quite marvellous and do a very good job of capturing every degree of the 360 available to you when in combat. Just to clarify, the combat is why we are here, there is a lot of quality gaming mechanics at play here but being DBX2 we are here to fight. It's not too unlike any other fighter where you 'stand' opposed to your opponent and duke it out until there is a victor, multiple life bars replace your standard 'Round 1, Round 2' scenario, which helps maintain energy and excitement.

Combat can be separated into three main aspects. Firstly your basic melee attacks, followed by energy attacks and last and by no means least, is your super charged attacks. It can often feel like a button masher at times and this can also bring success against unestablished players or vs AI in the earlier period of the game, but as with all games of this genre, timing and finesse can be a thing of beauty. Stringing melee attacks together with precise timing and swapping between normal and heavy attacks at the correct time is the key to most of your success. Energy attacks consist mainly of projectile ranged attacks or area of effect style defence. With good blocking and successful attacks your Ki meter will fill and when it is completely full you can pick your moment and unleash devastating attacks such as the famous Super Kamahamaha and Spirit Bomb to name a couple. This combat all takes place in a 360 degree accessible combat zone and all locations are famous locations from the DBZ series.

After a compelling narrative that feels all very familiar for all fans of the subject matter, you are introduced to DBX2s MMORP style End Game. This consists of a multitude of online and offline quest as well as PvP and PvE co-operative game modes. There is also the option to train with your favourite DBZ characters in order to learn specific skill sets and moves. In the end game, content is not unlike other looter style RPG games where each different activity gives you the chance for a desired move or item to drop. Not only does DBX2 offer an expansive and sizeable campaign mode, your adventure and character building can be extended by 100s of hours of MMO style gameplay.

The graphics have taken a step up in this instalment, they just have an edge of quality over number one and the same can be said with the voice acting and audio. DBX2 just feels like a natural successor with the mantra of 'If it’s not broken don’t fix it' and this has led to a very complete overall product that is very hard to pick holes in. The ability to replay each mission with friends or on your own really makes the game a monstrous adventure and there is plenty of gameplay for the initial cost.

It has been an absolute pleasure experiencing this game with my son who is nine years old. It really takes me back to when I was that age waking up early and getting ready for school so I could watch it on TV. Given the fact the game is predominantly stylised violence, I still think it is completely family friendly and holds a very 'Good vs Evil' undertone.

I can’t speak highly enough of the experiences I have had with this game and will continue to do in to the future with maybe starting a new character and trying out a difference race. This being said I would love to see a screenshot of your character or hear about your experiences. We can be reached with most efficiency across at our Facebook page but the comment section below is also monitored closely so get amongst it and let us know how you feel about DBX2.

SCORE: 8.5 out of 10

  • Fantastic DBZ history
  • Beautiful graphics
  • Hours upon hours of gameplay
  • Some voice acting missing
  • Very similar narrative

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox 1, Microsoft Windows
Genre:  RPG Fighter
Initial Release: October 25, 2016
Developer:  Dimps
Publisher: Bandai Namco

Aussie Gamers Express

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