Splatoon 2: Online Beta Test
Nintendo fans stand up!
With the intended release of the Nintendo Switch early next month, Nintendo has announced that a special Splatoon 2 preview will be coming to the Switch from March 24th-26th. The Beta will be online and each player will be allowed to test four different main weapons, including the new Splat Dualies, remixed versions of the iconic Splat Roller and Splat Charger.
Over the weekend there will be six different times you'll be able to take part in. Each session last for an hour.
Times are AEDT:
Sat 25th March
6am, 2pm, 10pm
Sun 26th March
6am, 2pm, 10pm
Check out the testfire video below and let us know if your excited about having a crack.
Thanks for reading and as always comments and feedback are welcome, we even encourage it. While you're at it, check out our Facebook Page, YouTube channel and weekly Podcast for all things gaming related or hit us up online, we are always up for a game or a chat.
With the intended release of the Nintendo Switch early next month, Nintendo has announced that a special Splatoon 2 preview will be coming to the Switch from March 24th-26th. The Beta will be online and each player will be allowed to test four different main weapons, including the new Splat Dualies, remixed versions of the iconic Splat Roller and Splat Charger.
Over the weekend there will be six different times you'll be able to take part in. Each session last for an hour.
Times are AEDT:
Sat 25th March
6am, 2pm, 10pm
Sun 26th March
6am, 2pm, 10pm
Check out the testfire video below and let us know if your excited about having a crack.
Thanks for reading and as always comments and feedback are welcome, we even encourage it. While you're at it, check out our Facebook Page, YouTube channel and weekly Podcast for all things gaming related or hit us up online, we are always up for a game or a chat.
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