Outlast 2 Re-Rated for Australian Market
Outlast 2 was originally refused classification in Australia which meant that the game wasn't going to see the light of day in the down under sun. This has been overturned and this means the game will be released in Australia with an R18+ rating. Red Barrels, the developer for Outlast 2 has provided a statement to Press Start Australia stating the following:
Aussie Gamers Express
24th March 2017
“Outlast 2 has been rated R18+ by the Classification Branch in Australia and will be released 26th April 2017. There will be only one version of Outlast 2 available worldwide.”
Outlast 2 will release on the 26th of April 2017 with all of the gore, sex and violence that was intended from its inception.
To read more on this matter click HERE
Lucas AureliusAussie Gamers Express
24th March 2017