PSVR Aim Controller Has Release Date And Game Bundle
Since its reveal at E3 and also seeing it first hand at the EB
Expo in Sydney last year, the news in regards to Sony’s new Aim Controller for the
PlayStation VR (PSVR) has been fairly scarce up until last month, when it was
revealed that the new controller would be available mid-May. It has since been
announced that the Australian release date for the Aim Controller will be Wednesday
the 17th of May.
Aim Controller will also be available with its first compatible game, Farpoint,
on the same day as a bundle package for $129.95 from EB Games. Farpoint itself is
being released without the controller for $89.95 and will support the Dual
Shock 4 controller, but based on what information has been released it appears the
best way to enjoy the game is by using the Aim Controller.
Aim Controller is set to be compatible with other titles, and the device which is
shaped like a two-handed gun with a glowing orb on the end, the same as that on
the PlayStation Move Motion Controllers, which are also used with PSVR. Unlike
those controllers though, the Aim Controller will feature two analog sticks,
allowing players to move in game much in the same way they would with a
traditional controller.
is set on a hostile alien world in which players can explore, taking down
bug-like enemies as travel through the game. With what was showcased at last year’s
EB Expo it appears to have the potential to be one of PSVR’s best games to
those that pre-order the game a Red Planet Wanderer Spacesuit to wear in-game
will be available as DLC.
Aussie Gamers Express
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