The Surge | HDR Update

HDR Support has arrived for Deck 13’s Hardcore Action-RPG The Surge, on PS4 and PS4 Pro. Players can now enjoy more natural lighting, a wider colour range and enhanced details at contrasted levels of brightness, creating more realistic and immersive visuals.

The Surge has already been lauded for its optimisation and performance, with fast load times and impeccable framerates. PS4 Pro owners already have the option to play in Dynamic 4K at 30fps or in 1080p at 60fps. This support for Sony’s platforms continues even further today, as players on both PS4 and PS4 Pro can activate the option to play with HDR. Once HDR is activated within the base console settings, players will see the option in-game under Video settings to toggle HDR on or off.

The update also introduces a number of gameplay tweaks to make your experience even smoother – read the full list below.

The Surge is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One and PC. Visit the official website for more info.

Hi everyone!
We'd like to extend a huge thank to all of you who joined CREO - we’ve been listening to your feedback, and we’ve been watching you enjoy The Surge!
The first patch for The Surge on PS4 and PS4 Pro is now live! This patch includes tweaks and fixes based on your feedback, so feel free to read the changelog to learn about changes to the block and health injectors!
On both PS4 and PS4 Pro, you can now activate the option to play with HDR. Once HDR is activated within the base console settings, you will see the option in-game under Video settings to toggle HDR on or off. Enjoy more natural lighting, a wider color range and enhanced details at contrasted levels of brightness, creating more realistic and immersive visuals!

The Surge - Update 53172 (P4) / 33503 (SVN)


  • HDR functionality added.
  • A kill switch button combination for players being stuck has been added (Press 'LB', 'LT', 'RB', 'RT', 'LS' and 'RS' at the same time) - Please only use this when your character is stuck.
  • Added an option to bind jumping/ducking from blocking to the left stick (when using a controller)

Bug Fixes

  • Player will be able to block most attacks. This refers to enemy attacks that were only able to be ducked or hopped, which prior to the change ignored blocking. You will now be able to block these attacks, but they consume more stamina than 'standard' attacks.
  • Fixed some random crashes triggered by accessing invalid memory
  • It is now easier to stagger enemies using light, faster-hitting weapons.
  • Removed Exploits where the player could receive unlimited Tech Scrap by switching the UI while dismantling objects
  • Potential random crash in the animation system
  • TDR crashes on Kepler GPUs (Nvidia 7## and 6## series)
  • Fixed holes in collision where the player could get stuck
  • Correctly apply fall damage when doing a plunging/jumping attack
  • The staff wielding security guards will no longer parry counterattacks and backstabs
  • Always apply the correct damage from counter attacks following from ducking under or jumping over enemy attacks
  • Fixed the behavior when binding target switching to the right stick
  • Properly store the button imagery configured in the options menu
  • Properly negate 100% toxic damage when wearing the Liquidator armor set
  • Enemy super armor was not decreasing properly in some cases after a string of quick successive hits
  • Fixed level transition elevators that were no longer available after dying in the moving elevator
  • Fixed respawn positions of the player on level transition elevators that caused players falling into their death immediately after loading a savegame
  • Loot drops of the smelting machines are now saved in the level so it can be collected even when dying after defeating the smelting machine
  • Fixed an issue where the "Big Sister" achievement did not unlock properly after killing the Big Sister 1/3
  • Mapping the dodge button to Circle will no longer cause the player to dodge every time the player "backs out" of the game menu.
  • Possible crash when leaving New Game+ at the beginning and starting a new game.
  • Gameplay blocker if the player does not collect the Security Exo-Rig after destroying the case. This will also fix broken saves.
  • Various AR elements should no longer appear in the wrong locations.
  • Counter attacks on drone enemies are no longer interrupted when using a Single-rigged weapon.
  • Closed door in Resolve Biolabs now opens correctly. This will also fix broken saves.
  • Using an implant that is on cooldown in the same moment an enemy is finished will no longer cause a repeating error message.
  • Fixed issues where armor items were unable to be equipped in New Game+.
  • Hobbs no longer asks for help after the player has helped him.
  • Player can no longer get stuck at certain stairs in the tunnels of Resolve Biolabs.
  • Player can no longer target the upper part of PAX while PAX is standing up.
  • Sorting items by 'Newest' now works properly.
  • Removed Quicksave/Quickload bindings.


  • The values for health related implants have been adjusted to fall more in line with the desired/projected player health progression (more health).
  • The damage of the beam ranged attack of the Nano mass enemy has been reduced.
  • The windup of the beam attack has been increased.
  • Reduced the volume of the 'secret finding implant' - even more so when using a controller and rumble is enabled.
  • Deactivate the 'secret finding implant' in the medbay.
  • Implants granting a weapon proficiency level bonus now also grant a proficiency reward bonus so it becomes more viable to level up more than one weapon type.
  • Added an option to bind jumping/ducking from blocking to the left stick (when using a controller).
  • Tweaked hitboxes of the staff wielding security guards' attacks.
  • Tweaked hitboxes of some enemies wielding forklift weapons.
  • Tweaked hitboxes of some enemies wielding two handed weapons.
  • Tweaked the timings for the perfect block window for the player.
  • Improved behavior of the Security Guard.
  • The music in Ops will no longer play after the player has died and respawned.
  • Improved behavior of the Black Cerberus when his attacks are blocked.
  • Elevator positions have been adjusted to avoid waiting for an elevator after dying.
  • Proximity Sensor no longer emits a beeping sound when an enemy is locked.
  • Character is now invulnerable for a short time after a finishing move is finished.
  • Increased the duration of the stamina buff triggered when collecting enough Tech Scrap to be worth a level up.
  • Reduced the stamina cost for continually blocking.
  • Increased the time for the continual block stamina cost to begin.
Aussie Gamers Express
9th June 2017

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