E3 2018 Bethesda

I think deep down we all have a bit of a soft spot for Bethesda. They have had a hand in some of my most memorable gaming experiences to date and may be responsible for a certain addiction of mine. 
Today we had the opportunity to once again join Bethesda for the #BE3 Showcase from E3 2018. While we all knew a good part of what we would see, I was to be pleasantly surprised. 

First off, I may have crashed Barjo's stream this morning, but being the good bloke he is we had a good chat about what we were hoping for and I have to shoot out a thanks to him for the follow and to those who followed us from his stream!!!

Now onto the showcase! 
I'm sorry, I have to spoil this, ELDER SCROLLS VI!!!!!!!! and that's about all we know about it. The feeling I got was that it was a title being developed for the next generation of consoles. 

Bethesda showed us a bit of a different showcase this time around. Some live music for Rage 2 and more gameplay. Doom Eternal the next chapter for Doom was teased with its trademark metal soundtrack, Quake Champions you can grab for free now on steam and keep playing it. More ESO content, Elder Scrolls Blades on mobile and some sick looking addons for Prey. 

But the big news was of course the new stuff. Fallout 76 and Wolfenstein Youngblood. 

Be sure to tune into our podcast for an update on what we really thought of BE3 this year!!


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