Layers of Fear 2

Layers of Fear 2 Launches Today(ish)!

So, the below announcement claims that Layers of Fear 2 released today, and so it should, considering the release date is the 29th of May 2019. However, for PC/Steam users, this isn't the case just yet. Due to time zones etc. the actual release date will be more like tomorrow, the 30th of May 2019. Either way, the game is almost among us on all platforms in Australia and New Zealand. After an exciting ride in the first game, the anticipation of the sequel is real for me. For those playing the game now, enjoy.

Now Available on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4!

LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY and CRACOW, POLAND May 28th, 2019 - Gun Media, publisher of Friday the 13th: The Game, and Bloober Team, the critically acclaimed developer of the cyberpunk-horror game >observer_, are excited to announce that Layers of Fear 2, follow up to the psychological horror title Layers of Fear, with voice acting led by award winning horror icon Tony Todd, is available now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam.

“The anticipation is killing us as we’re on the verge of bringing you the sequel to our most successful game – Layers of Fear 2. It will be an uncanny experience for the players and we’re seriously counting hours to read and see what they think of it. It’s a sum of extremely hard work, vision and passion of the development team here in Bloober, but also the sweat and blood (horror, right?!) of Gun, who proved to be the best of the best with supporting us.” said RafaƂ Basaj, Brand Manager at Bloober Team. “I hope you all enjoy this madness trip of artistry, self-discovery and fear. Please enjoy the game!”

“When we partnered with Bloober Team over a year ago, we knew they had something special in Layers of Fear 2,” said Ismael Vicens, Senior Producer at Gun Media. “Our shared love of horror coupled with their craftsmanship gave all of us the passion, confidence, and drive needed to make this experience as terror-filled and impressive as we knew it could be. It's been an honor to work with Bloober Team and help them present horror fans with their next masterpiece.”

For all of the latest from The Aussie Gamers Experience, make sure you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and also our weekly podcast. 

Lucas Aurelius
29th May 2019

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